Squirrel Picnic

Handmade with Love and Stuff


Make a Squirrel-Sized Valentine

Squirrel Sized Valentine Heart by Squirrel PicnicThis week Hodge came to me with a special request. He really, really, really wanted to make a valentine for Podge and he needed me to show him how to crochet one. Of course, I would show him how! I couldn’t say no to that sweet face.

And while we were at it, we decided to create a video so you could follow along stitch-by-stitch as well. The pattern is pretty quick and simple. You’ll need to know basic crochet techniques like chaining, working in the round, and making slip stitches, half-double crochets and double crochets.

I introduce a new technique in the video as well: the alternative join method or needle joining. It’s a nice alternative to the slip-stitch join because it creates an invisible join in your final round.

We hope you enjoy the video, make lots of valentine hearts for your squirrel friends, and have a very happy Valentine’s Day!


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Year of the Sock

I’m declaring 2016 the year of the socks. I just realized that I have accumulated a lot of sock yarn over the years. It’s the one thing I don’t feel guilty about purchasing when I go to yarn shows, because unlike other projects, you can pretty much bet that one skein of sock yarn will make a nicely sized pair of socks. Here’s my stash right now.

My Sock Yarn Stash 2016

I’ve tried knitting socks, but I am very slow at it. I even learned how to knit two at a time (on two circular needles) to try to speed up the process. But I was still pretty slow. I only got two pairs of socks made last year. So this year, I decided to try my hand at crocheting a pair of socks. I found this fun book with 16 patterns by Janet Rehfeldt.

More Crocheted Socks Pattern Book

I started crocheting my first pair on the plane from New York City, using the first pattern in the book, “Simple Simon.” And it’s just like the title… very simple.

More Crochet Socks Patterns_Simple Simon

The construction is very similar to knit socks, but I was able to fly right through it. So satisfying! I ended up finishing my first pair of crocheted socks in one week! I think I will try to make this a regular monthly project. My new year’s resolution then is to crochet one pair of socks a month. I certainly have enough sock yarn for that. Welcome to 2016, the year of the socks!

January 2016 Crochet Socks_Simple Simon


Two Little Country Squirrels in the Big City: Squirrel Picnic Visits NYC

This past weekend, Hodge and Podge and I flew to New York City to explore, get inspired, catch up with old friends, and make some new ones too.

Hodge and Podge in Times Square Continue reading


You Made This!

It’s so cool to see Squirrel Picnic projects from people all over the world. Thank you all for choosing my patterns and for taking the time to share your finished projects with me.

I’d like to extend a special thanks to these awesome folks, whose projects are featured in this edition: Alicia Kelly Rippingale, Margie Smith, Theresa Estep, Christine Knapp, Elaine Womack, Julie-Anna Smith, Marta Ruso, Ina Ringel, Marcia Cristina, Ankharas, Mona Reyes, Taylor, Janette Vanzanen, bpitard, cyrusmum, plantersmith, ellafofella, nlezama, nessiesparklepony, kaypendragon, mamascents, ShiloSol, lyndeepitiak, rpayne8457, violinone, kaurin, Penella, angelclassy, foxxxy, mrsrefjr, rosecrochet44, lese1, Idskje, walkerlover, Blacky67, and Frau Tapete.

If you’ve made something awesome with one of my patterns, I’d love to include you in a future installment of You Made This! And if there’s anyone I missed, I’m terribly sorry. Let me know and I’ll include you in the next edition. Please send a photo of your project to squirrelpicnic{at}gmail{dot}com. Continue reading


Crochet Up a Plate of Christmas Cookies

Christmas Cookies by Squirrel Picnic Roundup

I love baking Christmas cookies, but I think I love crocheting them even more. With my Christmas cookie patterns you can crochet a whole platter of cookies! Put some out for Santa or hang them on your Christmas tree. Use them as present toppers to add a memorable touch to your gifts. Or make a batch for the kids to play with. I hope you enjoy all of these fun Christmas cookie recipes… er, patterns.

View the complete directory of Christmas cookie patterns… Continue reading


Hodge’s Superhero Mask

Superhero Mask for Your Squirrel Friend Pattern by Squirrel PicnicHodge wants to be a superhero for Halloween this year, but he hasn’t decided which one. In fact when I pressed him to choose, he asked, “Can I just be all of them?”

So I crocheted him a costume that is versatile enough to accessorize just about any superhero character: a mask. If he wants to be Batman or Zorro or the Dread Pirate Roberts, I’ll crochet one in black. If he decides to be Robin or the Green Lantern, I’ll crochet one in green. If he changes his mind for the 30th time and wants to be Captain America, all I have to do is whip up a new mask in blue. But he’s been talking about being Raphael the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle since he saw the movie last year, so I have a feeling that decision will stick, which is just fine with me because he’s already got this red one.

If your squirrel could be a superhero, which one would they choose? It’s pretty hard to decide, isn’t it.

Hodge’s Superhero Mask

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