Squirrel Picnic

Handmade with Love and Stuff


Cuddly Sun Crochet Pattern

These little crochet suns are sure to brighten your day.

Sun Crochet Pattern by Squirrel Picnic

They would be a great addition to a baby’s mobile…

or hanging in a school locker…

or on the rear dash of a car…

anyplace that needs cheering up
(I’m thinking every dentist office needs at least one).

Look how much it brightens up this workspace.

A crochet sun will brighten up your workspace

They’re fun to cuddle too.

I’m hoping to modify this pattern to make a big sun pillow at some point. I’ll keep you posted. 🙂

Cuddly Sun Crochet Pattern Continue reading


The Great Cookie Giveaway!

Chocolate Chip CookiesWe’re rounding out Squirrel Picnic’s very first year, and I just want to take a moment to offer my sincere appreciation. Your enthusiasm and support means the world to me, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for stopping by the picnic and making it such a fun and positive place. I couldn’t do it without you!

To thank you for all the love, and since we’ve been talking about cookies a lot lately, I offer the Great Cookie Giveaway.

The rules are simple. Answer the following question in the comments below for your chance to win a half-dozen completely edible and incredibly yummy cookies from the experimental baker Becky McKay AND a half-dozen crochet chocolate chip cookies from me!* I’ll let the random number generator choose the lucky contestant. Then at noon MST on Friday, December 6, I’ll announce the winner. Okay, here’s your question…Chocolate Chip

 What is your favorite kind of cookie?

Pretty easy, huh? One comment per person, please. Don’t worry, there’s no wrong answer and no answer will be considered better than any other. The winner will be chosen totally at random. So have fun everyone! I can’t wait to send out these cookies.

*For our friends outside the United States, unfortunately most international shipping laws prohibit the mailing of food, so I won’t be able to send you the edible portion of this prize, but I’ll add a variety of other crochet goodies instead.


You voted and the choice is clear…

Crochet cookies must have smiley faces!


The results (including votes cast on Facebook) were 327 votes Yes and 0 votes No. Thanks everyone for voting.
I’ll never doubt the power of a smiley face again. 🙂

But the real winner is Hello Scarlett!

Congratulations, Hello Scarlett, and congrats to our Facebook winners,
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You each win a crochet cookie!

Winners, please email squirrelpicnic@gmail.com with your mailing address and your choice of cookie:
sugar cookie with sprinkles, sugar cookie with frosting, or chocolate chip.

Everyone will have another chance to win an even bigger and better prize early next month when Squirrel Picnic teams up with Becky the Cereal Baker to bring you fun crochet AND edible cookie creations.

(To pick the winner, I assigned each person who commented a number and then used the random generator at http://www.random.org to choose the winning number. )