Squirrel Picnic

Handmade with Love and Stuff

A Chill Snowman to Make You Smile: New amigurumi pattern by yours truly makes the cover of Interweave Crochet!


Photos by Harper Point Photography and Interweave Crochet magazine

It’s been a minute since the last time I wrote. I hope you all have been doing well! I’ve been having fun exploring crochet, learning new techniques, trying my hand at selling patterns and crochet handbags online, and designing patterns for magazines. It’s been a really exciting journey, expanding my repertoire beyond amigurumi. I’ve designed afghans, socks, a retro toaster cover, and handbags to name a few (to see them all visit my Ravelry designer page).

And now, at long last, I’ve returned amigurumi! I’m very excited to share with you my newest amigurumi pattern for Interweave Crochet’s Winter 2020 issue. I’m pleased to introduce the “Chill Snowman.”

Listening to some smooth beats on a pair of cute headphones, this snowman amigurumi is the picture of “chill.” And in a pom-pom topped hat and fringed scarf, which incorporate a puff-heart stitch pattern, this snowman’s also pretty stylish.

Photo by Harper Point Photography and Interweave Crochet magazine

Key features of this amigurumi’s construction include a head and body that are crocheted in one piece with a unique technique to shape the neck. (It’s the same technique I use to create the neck in the Sleepy Bear pattern.) This way you don’t have to sew on the head and worry about getting it centered just right. The arms and carrot nose are crocheted separately and sewn on. The hat is crocheted in the round from the bottom up.

Easy-to-assemble wireless headphones give this amigurumi a quirky and playful vibe. The headphones are surprisingly easy to make. The ear cushions are crocheted in two pieces that are sewn together. The headband is also made with two pieces that are crocheted together and then sewn to the ear cushions. Finally two  silver buttons are sewn to the headphones, the closed eyes are embroidered, and a simple fringe is added to the scarf. No detail has been spared with this one!

This character is so much fun to make. I know you will enjoy making him too! This pattern is featured in the Winter 2020 issue of Interweave Crochet, which can be found at most major craft retailers starting December 10. Be sure to check out my glacier-inspired cowl pattern (the Esker Cowl) on page 34 too! This issue is full of chic seasonal accessories you still have time to make for the holidays. If you don’t want to wait, get your digital copy of the issue here: https://www.interweave.com/store/interweave-crochet-winter-2020-digital-edition

I’m so excited to return to the wonderful world of amigurumi, and I can’t wait to share more designs with you. Over the next few months I’ll be sprucing up this old blog. I know you’re wondering about Hodge and Podge. They’re still around, but they’re really enjoying retirement. Maybe I can coax them into making an occasional appearance. Really I would like to make Squirrel Picnic into a place where you can come for free patterns, to learn new amigurumi techniques, to hear about designers and cool projects from around the world, and to get inspired to make more amigurumi!

This experience has taught me that if you’re ever feeling burned out or if you hit a creative block, try stepping away from your current style, technique, or medium and focus on something completely different for a while. If you truly love your chosen medium, deep in your soul, your interest in it will eventually return and everything you have learned in the meantime will enliven and inform your new approach to it.

I hope to see you back here at the picnic for more amigurumi fun very soon!

8 thoughts on “A Chill Snowman to Make You Smile: New amigurumi pattern by yours truly makes the cover of Interweave Crochet!


  2. Very cute, as always! Hopefully the snowman isn’t so chill that he forgets to retreat back north before the Spring thaw comes. Good to see you back here, and say Hi to Hodge and Podge for me!

  3. I’m so happy to see your back and have experieced a helpful adventure with books, magazines and more! Chill the snowman looks really cute! I will have to remind myself to buy the magazine. I understand by taking a break you have grown in many ways. Welcome back and I need to look for your book THE BIG ACORN RACE!

    • Hi Amanda and thanks for the welcome back! I’m so excited that you are interested in getting the magazine. I hope you enjoy it. It includes a lot of fun winter projects. You should still be able to purchase The Big Acorn Race through Amazon. For your convenience, here’s the link: http://amzn.com/0692626441. 🙂 Thanks for all your kind words and support. It means so much to me. Best wishes!

  4. A very Happy Christmas to you and the gang! xxx