Squirrel Picnic

Handmade with Love and Stuff


Hodge and Podge Want to Be Your Pen Pals

Pen Pal 2 IMG_1741 logoDid you know that Hodge and Podge have their very own mailbox? They don’t get much mail though and sometimes that makes them feel a little down. They do enjoy hearing from you, whether it’s through the blog or their email account, but you have to admit there’s just something exciting about opening that old mailbox and finding a letter or postcard inside. These squirrels are happy to admit, they’re a little old fashioned that way.

If you’d like to become a Squirrel Picnic Pen Pal, send your letter or postcard to

Squirrel Picnic
P.O. Box 740463
Arvada, CO 80006

They love making new friends and discussing such important topics as comics, crafts, video games, movies, and candy. And they’re really good at writing back, so be sure to include a return address. Since it’s one of their favorite things to do, you’ll receive a personalized postcard from Hodge and Podge several times a year.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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