Squirrel Picnic

Handmade with Love and Stuff

Year of the Sock: February


Year of the Sock_February 2

My socks for February are complete! They were made with “I know we shall have reveling tonight” from The Amy Lee Show’s Canon Hand Dyes line of sock yarn. I picked this skein up last year at the Interweave Yarn Fest. It’s made of 80% merino wool and 20% nylon. A perfect combination! And aren’t the colors fun.

Squirrel Picnic'c Year of the Sock February Yarn Canon Hand Dyes

This month’s sock had a rough start. Originally I thought I might try a toe-up pattern that I found from a reputable source on Ravelry. But by the time I had finished the heel, it was a disaster. I’m not sure if it was something I had done or the pattern, but the sock turned out way, way, way too big.

Squirrel Picnic's Year of the Sock February 2

Thankfully some helpful friends on Facebook and Instagram convinced me to frog it and start a new pattern. It’s amazing how liberating it can be to unravel your work… once you get started.

Squirrel Picnic's Year of the Sock February 3

I chose to return to the book More Crocheted Socks by Janet Rehfeldt.

Year of the Sock_February 5

For this sock, I used the pattern “Hello Sunshine.” And I’m really glad that I did. It was so much fun.


It had just enough stitch variety to keep things interesting without becoming too complicated.

Year of the Sock_February 3

The unique texture on the leg is created with a sequence of single crochet and treble crochet stitches.

Year of the Sock_February 1

The heel flap is also done in an interesting way. You crochet around the front loop only for every other row to create another fun texture. This forms a strong fabric for the heel as well.

Squirrel Picnic's Year of the Sock February

The foot is made with mini-clusters of single crochet plus half-double crochet stitches to create this playful look. The self-striping yarn responded really well to this stitch. Check out that magic!

Year of the Sock_February 4

Podge especially loves these sock colors. Look at how well they go with her skin tone (er, fur tone).

Squirrel Picnic's Year of the Sock February 6

Join me next month for a new exploration into the wonderful world of crochet socks. I’ve been dreaming of spring and I think March’s sock will be a fitting way to usher in a season of new beginnings and beautiful pastels.

11 thoughts on “Year of the Sock: February

  1. They turned out so cool! I love how the yarn stripes and zigzags. You have inspired me to try crochet socks again. Mayhaps I’ll even join you as you make socks in March 😉

  2. Is this yarn dyed in such a way that the pattern will stripes will appear automatically? If so, how do you decide where to start!

    • Hi Emily! Thanks for your question. The yarn is dyed so that it creates even stripes. It depends on the pattern and the stitch(es) used how the stripes will play out. I have never tried to anticipate or control the stripes. I rather like the idea of letting it happen naturally. Part of the fun is seeing what will happen next. But you’ve given me a thought. I’ll do some research and see what designers are doing with self-striping yarn. Maybe there’s a trick!

  3. I really love the colours and pattern of your socks, and would love to have a go but, unfortunately, real wool, even in small amounts, brings me out in a rash :/
    I’ll have to investigate the man-made sock yarns I think 🙂

  4. Those look so interesting and yes, they do go with Podge’s fur tones! 😀