Squirrel Picnic

Handmade with Love and Stuff

Make It! Challenge #9: Mr. Potato Head VIP (Very Important Potato) Edition Crochet Pattern


For Make It! Challenge #9, Daniel requested I crochet him a Mr. Potato Head doll. He was kind enough to let me decide on the accessories. I had a ton of fun thinking up new parts and facial features to make!

It is interesting to see all the different parts that Hasbro has come up with for Mr. Potato Head since he was invented in 1952. The first Mr. Potato Head kits came with ears, eyes (two pairs), facial hair (eight pieces of felt), feet, hands, hats (three), mouths (two), noses (four), and a pipe. Today, any Mr. Potato Head fanatic could show you an elaborate collection of accessories. Some of my favorites include party hats, pierced ears, handcuffs, bare feet, a pirate’s peg leg and eye patch, and a hockey player’s gap-toothed grin.

But with all the characters Hasbro has made into potatoes, I think there are a few opportunities they missed. What they need is a VIP (Very Important Potato) line of celebrity potatoes. Just picture it: Tiger Spuds, Morgan Fryman, Spuddy Holly, Elisabeth Shue-string Fry, Oprah French Fry, Vladimir Poutine, Mashton Kutcher, James Hashbrowns, to name a few (thanks to Becky for many of these ideas!). In the end, for this challenge, I decided on making Channing Potatum, Tater Swift, and Barack Au Gratin for my real-life celebrity potatoes. And then I threw in Harry Potater, because, well, Harry Potter’s name just screams make me into a potato.

Unfortunately due to licensing concerns, the pattern to make Mr. Potato Head: VIP Edition is no longer available. My apologies for any inconvenience this causes.

27 thoughts on “Make It! Challenge #9: Mr. Potato Head VIP (Very Important Potato) Edition Crochet Pattern

  1. hehe what an awesome request!! 🙂

  2. Hahaha These are awesome! Nearly spat my coffee out seeing them, great work!

  3. very cute. thank you for the pattern. I just love your squirrels and all your sayings and stories. thank you, debi Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 09:59:48 +0000 To: ladylightbuld@hotmail.com

  4. This is amazing! You are so so so creative, Jennifer!! 🙂 I love Tater Swift! The possibilities here are endless!

  5. Love it! Now I can’t eat potatoes any more without thinking about your Mr. Potatoe Head! Thanks you so much for all the funny potatoes!!!!

  6. Thanks for this pattern, Jennifer. Between this and the Sleepy Z’s my grandson will have an amazing birthday!!!

  7. These are the greatest! Vladimir Poutine made me laugh out loud! I am looking forward to trying this one. I already have oodles of ideas for potato pun names. Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. OMG this is awesome! 😀
    Jennifer your creativity has no boundaries !!!
    You are amazing

  9. Another classic improved upon! Well done, Jennifer!

    Someone needs to make shirtless Vladimir Poutine… riding on (who else?) Rainbow Donkey!

  10. Can’t get over how hilarious and awesome this is. Love love love your creativity 🙂

  11. I laughed out loud for Obama….too funny….love the ears….great, great, job!!

  12. I love this pattern!
    I send you mail, because I’d like to translate it to Spanish and publish in my blog.

    Thank you! ^_^

    • Hi Marta! Thank you for contacting me about translating my Mr. Potato Head pattern into Spanish. I think that’s a great idea! As you said in your email, please be sure to credit Jennifer Olivarez for the design and link to the pattern on my website. I can’t wait to see your Mr. Potato Head!

  13. Thank you for this lovely. Brings back a lot of very happy memories of my childhood.

  14. Do you think it would be possible to make the base potato and add Pikachu ears and a tail? I would love to be able to!

    • That’s a great idea! Mr. Potato Head and Pikachu have a very similar body shape, don’t they. 🙂 If I were you, I’d crochet it in yellow and cut the ears, arms, legs, and tail out of yellow felt. You could even add two little red rosy cheeks out of felt. What fun!