Squirrel Picnic

Handmade with Love and Stuff

A Christmas Story Leg Lamp Crochet Pattern


Christmas Story Leg LampWhen I was deciding on which Christmas cookies to crochet for this series, I googled “popular American Christmas cookies,” and believe it or not, the Christmas Story Leg Lamp cookie came up. How awesome is it that they now sell cookie cutters in the shape of the iconic leg lamp from the famous movie?

I just had to crochet this, and now you can too! Displayed on a plate or hanging on your tree, these cookies are sure to catch the attention of everyone in the room. It’s a major award!

Visit the Great Cookie Countdown Page for the story behind this series and a complete directory of Christmas cookie ornaments.

A Christmas Story Leg Lamp Cookie Crochet Pattern…

Difficulty rating 3Note: You will need to have some experience in basic embroidery stitches.

Finished size:  4″ tall


Small amounts of worsted-weight yarn in beige, yellow, and black
D-3 (3.25 mm) crochet hook
10 g embroidery thread in black
DMC embroidery floss in black
Tapestry needle
10″ satin ribbon or leather cord for hanging


Leg Lamp Cookie Base

With beige yarn, ch 4

Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each st across, ch 1, turn (3)

Row 2: Sc in each st across, ch 1, turn

Row 3: Sc, 3sc, sc, ch 1, turn (5)

Row 4: Rep row 2

Row 5: Sc, 2sc, sc, 2sc, sc, ch 1, turn (7)

Row 6: Rep row 2

Row 7: Sc, 2sc, sc 3, 2sc, sc, ch 1, turn (9)

Row 8: Sc in each st across, ch 4, turn

Row 9: Sk st (4-ch counts as 1st dc), dc 8. BO

Row 10: Pull up a loop in the 4th sc, ch 2, sc 2, ch 1, turn (3)

Leg Lamp 1

Row 11: Rep row 2

Row 12: Sc, dec, ch 1, turn (2)

Row 13-16: Rep row 2

Row 17: Dec, ch 1, turn (1)

Row 18: Picot (ch 4, slst in back of 1st ch). Turn and sc in the 1-ch at end of Row 17.

Row 19: Ch 4, turn, sc in each (3). BO and weave in ends.

Leg Lamp 6

Lamp Shade

With yellow yarn, repeat rows 1-7.

Row 8: Sc in each st across. BO, leaving a long tail for sewing. Sew this on top of the beige leg.

Leg Lamp 7


Using DMC black embroidery floss and a satin stitch, embroider the black pump.

Using black embroidery thread and a long-armed cross-stitch, embroider the fishnets.

Using black embroidery thread and a chain stitch, embroider the lamp’s outline.

For the fringe, run single stitches from the bottom chain to the base of the yellow part of the crocheted lamp.

Thread cord or satin ribbon through a stitch at the center of the top for hanging.

Leg Lamp Ornament

13 thoughts on “A Christmas Story Leg Lamp Crochet Pattern

  1. Wow !! that’s so wonderful. Thanks for sharing the pattern. I am at the moment obsessed with crochet applique and am going to try it first thing tomorrow 🙂 I am excited about this !

  2. They are fab! Good enough to eat!

  3. The best part is, it’s not frah-gee-lay. No need to pack it in a crate to keep it damage free!

    I love the one I have and my sister’s going to love it, too (my mom already loves it and she hasn’t even seen it yet–just the idea of it made her laugh)

  4. Careful with those needles, or you’ll put your eye out! 😉

  5. Love the way you put that together! Thanks for sharing – amazing!

  6. another one of your great work! love these leg lamps. Sorry I came this slate to check. Had major problems with both of my computers.
    Thank you!

  7. Pingback: Crocheted leg lamp cookie | Things I want to create before wrinkles overwhelm me